Paladin タイマー 1754X2 マニュアル

2 ページ 英語

Paladin タイマー 1754X2
SC 4X/L/E/0410
Programming manual 175 4X2 and 176 4X2
Picture: 176 422
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
Channel ON
Channel OFF
01 - 59 sec.
In mode AUTO manual
switching possible by
pressing relevant keys
Key functions
Menu Selection of programming modes
[ CL ] Cancelling of inputs in modes
PR; ? and
] In PR; ?;
and S/W modes:
Change flashing digit resp. position.
In Mode ?:
Change selected inputs.
[ O.K.] Confirm the selected mode.
In PR and
Head for required position. (forwards)
In? mode:
Head for next switching time.
In S/W mode:
Enter into memory.
[] In PR and
Return to required position. (backwards)
In PR mode:
Head for holiday programme when 1 (Monday)
is flashing.
In ? mode:
Return to switching time before.
[ A ] In AUTO mode:
[ B ] Press for manual override ON or OFF in
relevant channel. Holding down key for 3
seconds, will switch ON or OFF PERM
override. perm will be displayed. Programmed
function in relevant channel will be suppressed.
Cancel permanent ON or OFF by holding down
key for a further 3 seconds, perm will disappear.
Programming advice
The default setting on delivery is programmed real
time and date, the summertime change is activated.
Programming possible also with time switch
disconnected: Press O.K., display appears, start
Make inputs step by step. The appropriate position in
the display is flashing and can be changed by pressing
key. Head for next position by using O.K. key, go
backwards by using key. Inputs are terminated
when flashing finishes.
Installation details
The installation and assembly of electrical
equipment must be only carried out only by a
skilled person.
Connect to voltage and frequency according to type
label only.
Warranty void if housing opened by unauthorised
The high density electronic circuit is protected against
a wide range of external influences. Incorrect operating
may occur if external influences exceed certain limits.
Operating modes
AUTO Display of time, day of week, switch status of
channel(s). Also indication of actual day’s
programme in full hours.
2 – channel – version: Change of the indication
channel A/channel B every 10 seconds.
Manual overriding possible (KEY A, B)
PR Input of switching commands according to
week day(s) and time, also the holiday
Use arrow and O.K. keys to alter flashing digit.
Use diamond
key to increase value.
(Confirm last input with O.K. key, will enter into
If Monday 1 is flashing, use the key to
select the holiday programming.
? Displays number of free memory locations
Show switching times
Alter switching time
Clear single or all switching times
Use O.K. key forwards or key backwards to
display switching times.
Use diamond
key to change (alter)
displayed switching time.
Use CL key to cancelling the displayed
switching time.
Use CL key twice to cancel all switching times if
number of free memory locations available
displayed only.
Input of actual date and time
Use arrow and O.K. keys to alter flashing
Use diamond key to increase value.
(Confirm last input with O.K. key, will enter into
memory and change into AUTO mode)
S/W To activate / deactivate the summer/winter
time change over.
Use diamond
key to select automatic S/W –
time change ON or OFF.
(Confirm last input with O.K. key, will enter into
memory and change into AUTO mode)
Pressing recessed key in the middle of key and CL
key, will clear date, real time and microprocessor
Switching programmes normally will not be affected.
(Check by Read – Out; “?”mode)
mode is selected because date and real time
must be programme new.
Mounting advice 175 4X2
DIN- rail- mounting
Back view
Wall mounting
Mounting advice 176 4X2
switchboard panel und wall mounting
Wiring diagrams 175 4X2
175 412
175 422
Wiring diagrams 176 4X2
176 412
176 422
Switching programme
Programming day or week programme
channel ON
channel OFF
Tu We Th Fr Sa Su A B REMARK
Holiday programme (Permanently ON / OFF)
channel ON
channel OFF
関連マニュアル Paladin タイマー 1754X2