Fujitsu 見た MHV2080BH マニュアル

274 ページ 英語

Fujitsu 見た MHV2080BH
C141-E224 v
Important Alert Items
Important Alert Messages
The important alert messages in this manual are as follows:
A hazardous situation could result in minor or moderate personal
injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. Also,
damage to the product or other property, may occur if the user does not
perform the procedure correctly.
Task Alert message Page
Normal Operation
Data corruption: Avoid mounting the disk near strong
magnetic sources such as loud speakers. Ensure that the disk
drive is not affected by external magnetic fields.
Damage: Do not press the cover of the disk drive. Pressing
it too hard, the cover and the spindle motor contact, which
may cause damage to the disk drive.
Static: When handling the device, disconnect the body
ground (500 k or greater). Do not touch the printed circuit
board, but hold it by the edges.
関連マニュアル Fujitsu 見た MHV2080BH