Cooper Lighting 電源 Lifeway II Series マニュアル

18 ページ 英語

Cooper Lighting 電源 Lifeway II Series
113904 – System Users Manual
C H A P T E R 1
Keep this manual and the System Installation Guide in the folder mounted inside the
This unit is a microprocessor controlled PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) pure sine wave
based DC to AC power inverter utilizing MOSFET technology. It integrates a fully automatic
3-rate battery charger, a solid-state transfer system, control circuitry, self testing and
recording digital meter display, and maintenance free sealed lead calcium type batteries.
The system components are carefully matched to make the unit a completely self-contained,
fully automatic standby power source for operation on all types of lighting loads. The
batteries are sized and tested per UL-924 and Life Safety Code ANSI / NFPA 101, providing
emergency power for a minimum of 90 minutes.
If the duration of a power failure is greater than the batteries storage capability, the inverter
will automatically shut down when the battery voltage reaches 85% of the nominal DC
voltage. This feature protects the battery from being permanently damaged from a deep
discharge that could cause cell reversal. This battery protection feature is called "Low
Voltage Disconnect" or L.V.D.
When the AC power is restored after a full discharge, the system will be ready for another
power failure within 24hrs. If another power failure occurs before the 24-hour recharge time,
the run time will be decreased.
The front panel display incorporates an alphanumeric 2x20 LCD character display, LED
status indicators and a 4 x 4 keypad. All user interface functions are available from the front
panel assembly.
Utilizing a small footprint, this unit is for use with any lighting load including quartz, HID,
incandescent, fluorescent and halogen.
This manual tells you how to start, operate, and communicate with your unit and lets you
know how to get more information for special situations.
Please record your unit’s model number, serial number, and part number below. You can
find these numbers on the labels on the inside panel.
Model Number __________________________
Serial Number __________________________
Part Number ___________________________
関連マニュアル Cooper Lighting 電源 Lifeway II Series