Canon 写真スキャナー 330 マニュアル

129 ページ 英語

Canon 写真スキャナー 330
Operating Procedures
Delivery Options
E-mail settings (subject, message)
Set the subject and message for sending via e-mail.
File name
Specify a name for the image file to be sent.
Auto file name
The scanner adds 17 digits that indicate the date and time
to the file name of the image to be sent.
Ex.) May 14, 2013, 3:40:30 p.m.
yyyymmdd: File name + 20130514154030123
mmddyyyy: File name + 05142013154030123
ddmmyyyy: File name + 14052013154030123
* The last three digits indicate the number of milliseconds.
When custom file name settings are configured in the Web
Menu, you can select [Custom] to add the custom file
name to the file name of the scanned image (see p. 4-6).
Make sure you set either [File name] or [Auto file name]. A
message appears if you do not enter a file name and then set
[Auto file name] to [None].
If you select [Single page] of TIFF format, or JPEG format, a
4-digit sequential number starting with “0001” is added
automatically to the end of file names.
The following characters cannot be used to set the custom file
/ : ? * " < > |
Action when the same named file exists
Set the action to perform when there is already a file of the
same name at the destination.
• Display a message
Display a message to confirm overwriting of the file.
• Abort sending
Cancel sending.
• Overwrite the file
Overwrite the file at the destination.
Send the files immediately after scanning
Send images without checking them when scanning
Confirm addresses before sending
Confirm the addresses before sending images when
scanning completes.
関連マニュアル Canon 写真スキャナー 330